Friday, 4 March 2011

2 Papers x 2 Days = 4 God's Sake..

    Upon finishing 2 papers in 2 days, I can't help but feel like a miracle worker. Too bad I have to spend all day today, doing my other one. TGIF does not apply here. And the worst part is that I have 3 more papers after that, and 1 midterm, all within the next 2 weeks. WHY I ASK YOU? WHY? I wish I knew. That aside, today's first official productive post (because of the topic) is about fighting. Hey, if I have to write the 3rd paper in 3 days, then we sure as hell aren't gonna talk about something cheery y'all. So, here's the scoop. One of my good friends and I weren't on speaking terms for a while. Incidentally, it turned out to be a very long time, especially in girl word, which is definitely not what we expected. And the reason it all came to be is not important. Here's what is: almost every time I'm on bad terms with a girlfriend, the reason always seems to be the same. MISCOMMUNICATION. Sounds innocent enough. But trust me, this pesky little word will catch you unexpectedly with its right hook. And I'm not even talking about this particular situation, I'm talking miscommunication's in general. They typically go as follows: that she thought I was mad at her and I thought she was mad at me, and everything goes nowhere, fast. Because everybody's confused. And nobody knows how, or is too proud to 'want to' make the first move. The whole thing is unproductive. Good thing that that's a word I am on good terms with. A wise person once told me, that all fights are 50/50. With that perspective in mind, things feel a little less dramatic and a little more reasonable.
    Anyhow, as easily and stupidly that fights start through miscommunication, they can just as quickly end with communication. Otherwise, you'll never get anywhere, your life will be harder and these altercations will and I mean will drag out unbearably long. It's all just a little trick life plays on you, that we all seem to fall for. Thankfully, this same friend, is really good for communicating when it comes to things like this. We were just both being stupid this time around. So, an hour after making up, we were laughing at whatever we do, and I thought to myself, this is why were friends, this right here. It's funny how every single relationship is different, and how everyone has a different place in your heart. To my dear friend, glad to have you back. Let's never fight again. Because I hate conflict. And I know you do too. To all of you, just don't fight kids. Let's not any of us fight. Let's hold hands and be happy, instead. In a land of sunshine and lollipops and rainbows everywhere. But if you do, if you absolutely have to, just remember what I said. If I've learned anything from all this, it's that life's too short to be spending it apart from (or not talking to) the ones' you love. I don't want to imagine such a life. That's all the wisdom I have for you today.

What do you guys think?

P.S. I've heard that a lot of you have had problems commenting, but I think it is fixed now. So please feel free to offer your thoughts. I'd love to hear them. Also, it would be great if you could follow my blog. There's a button right beside the blog. As well as, there is now an option, right under this post, that allows you to give your feedback through 3 buttons: funny, interesting, insightful. I'd appreciate it if you'd click on one. It's anonymous so I won't know who clicked on what. If that's what you're worried about.

-Seriously Savvy ;)


Anonymous said...

i enjoyed this a lot!
very well put my friend :)

Seriously Savvy said...

Koombaya indeed.

Unknown said...

don't talk to me anymore ....I'm mad at you!!!!

Anonymous said...

very insightful =)

from second fam

Unknown said...

What happened to you theory of avoiding miscommunication today, when you decided to walk out the door? ;)