Friday, 11 March 2011

Ey, Iran.

Hello all!
    Here's an interesting topic, if ever there was any. I recently tried to submit a post to a Persian website, thinking they would find it interesting, and what does the head of the website tell me? That my dear old home country, or mother land, that has also ever been dear to my heart, has "filtered" my blog. Well, of course the people of Iran haven't, but the government has. For those of you that are not aware of  governments pulling this sort of crap, then I'll break it down for you. Iran and many other strict governments in the world, filter or stream out content through media (computer, television, books, newspapers and basically any thing else you can think of) to their liking. 
    Yes, that means that the people of Iran, don't have access to the things we have access to. There are thousands of shows and movies they can't watch, millions of websites they can't see, and billions of books they can't read. Either the people can get a hold of such things illegally or through the black market, or just don't get to see, hear or watch them. The government does this, so they say, so that their people aren't corrupted by Western influences. Or keep their people from seeing or hearing any opposition to their ways of government. In other words, anything that isn't for lack of a better term, "Islamic," doesn't make the cut, no pun intended. Trust me, this baffles me, just as much as it could ever baffle you. So, why did my wholesome blog get streamed from the country you ask? I wish I knew. I'm guessing it has something to do with my Women's Day (women's rights?) post or that the pictures of the women in that post, don't have a hejab on. But really? Seriously? REALLY? Because last time I checked, I had, up until this point of course, written nothing, and I mean absolutely nothing, that they should possibly find offensive. 
    So, since the damage is done, since I've already been streamed out, why not make things interesting, right? That's my motto in life. It's not like I can be filtered again. Precisely the reason why I wrote this post. Catching my drift y'all? The only thing that makes me remotely happy in this situation, is that my blog somehow got enough "exposure" to reach the Persian people, for the government to hear of it in the first place. REPRESENT. So, here's to you, the "wonderful" government of my beautiful home country, that's unfortunate enough to have you. IF YOU CAN DISH IT OUT, THEN YOU SURE AS HELL BETTER BE PREPARED TO TAKE IT ;) To all of you that were seldom aware of such injustices in the world, well, now you know. And I hope this enlightens you enough to make you realize just how good you have it here. Never take that for granted. Just something to think about. That's all the wisdom I have for you today, as far as wisdom goes. Please offer your thoughts.

P.S. My use of title has a double meaning. Ey Iran was the name of the original and beautiful national anthem (not the actual anthem, but the anthem in the hearts of the people), before the Islamic republic came in and changed it to a religious anthem. And eh, is one of my favorite Canadian phrases, that I often use as a 'really?' So, Really, Iran?
P.P.S. Notice the sugar-coated innuendo of my cheeky 'Free Iran' pic and la green text.
P.P.P.S. Iran, if you found me offensive before, then you're sure gonna love me now :)

-Savvy OUT.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so shocked at Iran's government reactions such as filtering web blogs, ignoring human rights and killing its' own people on the streets and in prison. Hope this government realizes the harm its doing.It wont be long until the people take over and get what they deserve and find their freedom.