Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Trailers to my Heart

   If you like movie trailers, then this is the post for you.
   Here's the thing. I have considered making movie trailers as a full time career on many occasions. But it all basically started when I watched The Holiday and I realized, to quote Cameron Diaz, that they "get paid the big bucks." And she was not kidding. These people are rolling in the dough. But what she also insinuated, is that people who do her job, deserve to get paid that much. And she was right. Because the thing is, they make a movie look 100% better than it is, 98% of the time. Now that, is what I call art my friends. There are only two, and I'm going to post them, that I've ever watched, that I can sincerely say, the movie was better. When it is almost always, the trailer is always equal to or greater than the movie, not less than.
    So why, other than the money, would I want to do a job like this? Because it is simply amazing. I mean think about it. Trailers are the first thing you really see for a movie (other than the movie pictures). It is the first thing that captures your attention and makes you say, "Ooo I wanna see that!" And be honest, you know that the movie previews is the best part of the movie. It's the only thing that could make me go early. We all look forward to seeing the clips of the movies we have yet to hear of, just so we can go home and creep them on youtube or further anticipate them. 
    Of course that's not to say that there are not trailers to books we've read, sequels or just actors we're obsessed with, that we get our hands on online, before the cinema trailers. I guess what I'm trying to say here, is that trailers greatly impact us. It is the very thing that get's us to go in the first place, other than our nagging friends and family. And it's the thing you'll remember even long after the movie, and times to come. At least for me anyway. And in general, I guess the number one reason I would ever do this as a job, is that I think I see the world as a giant trailer montage with music anyways. 
    Now, I have seen a lot and by that I mean, a lot, of trailers in my day. I like to call myself a trailer junkie. So the fact that I can narrow it down to just six impeccable previews shows you just how amazing they must be. Without further adieu, my six all time favorite movie trailers, in no particular order, and the two trailers where the movie is better. It should be noted that however amazing the trailers were, I didn't watch all of these movies right away. I tried to, but some of them were hard to get a hold of. And one of them hasn't come out yet. I did however, watch the trailers repeatedly. I hope this inspires you to watch some of these movies. Let me know what you think.

Love Me If You Dare is actually slightly a let down. It is not a bad movie but it is definitely not as good as the trailer and what I got my hopes up for. But I'm still glad I saw it. I think it's better the second time around and when you're old enough to not be scarred by inappropriate and mis-rated French movies. Amazing amazing trailer though, and story line.

The Chumscubber was a total let down, from what I remember. But maybe it was one of those first time movie things, where I should probably watch it again. But it was a double let down because I think this is my all time favorite movie trailers, due to how it captures the woes of life and the insanity that is suburbia.

I tear up everytime I see this trailer. It's so freaking adorable and it reminds me of childhood. Can't wait for this to come out! Winnie's never failed me before.

Peter Pan is one of my favorite movies. No where near a let down. I think this slipped under the radar a bit, for such an amazing movie. Plus, of all the Peter Pan movies, this one takes the cake because it goes about a different angle and depth. This movie is the first time you see Peter Pan's grown up emotions and the dynamic feelings of Wendy. Also, it showcases Peter and Wendy's sexual tension, which has never been done before. I would definitely recommend it and I would even go as far as to say the trailer is almost worse than the movie.

In all honesty, Slumdog let me down. I think it's because I was one of the first people I knew to hear about it, and I watched the trailer so many countless times I clung on to it, but I kept putting off watching the actual movie because I wanted to savor it later. And by that time, everyone I knew had watched it and praised it and the world had built it up to be this colossal thing that by the time I watched it, it just didn't reach my expectations. One of the most original concepts and brilliant story lines of all time though. 

I would definitely recommend this movie. It didn't blow me away, but I think everyone needs to watch it. The trailer is surely better and basically sums up the movie though. It's an emotional roller coaster. And for those of you that think "Won't this movie be boring, if it's 2 hours of James Franco talking to himself?" And the answser is no. There's so many layers and there is so much going on that you don't even think about being bored. You are totally engrossed in the movie.

Don't get me wrong, this trailer is pretty good. However, this being one of my all time favorite movies, I can tell you it still doesn't measure up. I know this for a fact because after the first time I watched this movie, I went and watched the trailer again, and was surprised to see it somehow didn't convey the magic like I thought it would.

Here's the thing about this one. This trailer is utter crap. And I mean shit. What is this? Half the trailer is a huge deleted scene that is not even in the movie. And that always rubs me the wrong way. Anyway, the main problem is it doesn't capture the essence of this movie at all. The other problem is it makes it look creepily scary, and it's not. I've never seen the trailer makers try to overtly change the genre of a movie like this. In conclusion, please go see this movie. Don't let this trailer turn you off of it. This movie is seriously underrated and that really upsets me. Because it definitely makes my top 3.

    To be fair, Slumdog and 127 Hours I remembered while writing this, so they weren't really the first four to jump to my head. But to be fair again, there's probably hundreds I've liked but can't really remember, so they should make the cut.


Correction what?

      My eldest sister, whom I love dearly, brought to my attention two little details that were wrong about my last post. She told me these things a day after I posted it, but I've been too lazy to fix it. So here it is. First off, the Persian song Ey Iran is spelled Ey Iran not Eh Iran or Ay Iran. But to my defense, I wasn't trying to spell it properly. I fixed it anyway, just cause. Secondly, she brought light to the fact that the Iranian government doesn't stream or filter specific people but specific sites (and trust me, there are a lot of them). That I was not aware of. Therefore, to set the record straight, Iran did not block my blog. They did however block blogger.com, which in turn, is blocking my blog. The point being, sure it isn't as bad or as dramatic as I made it sound in that passionate moment, but that still doesn't make it right. And I still stand by everything I said. That is all.

-S Meister :) 

Thursday, 17 March 2011

Don't worry..

your pretty little faces. I know it has literally been forever. But there shall be a post soon :)


Friday, 11 March 2011

Ey, Iran.

Hello all!
    Here's an interesting topic, if ever there was any. I recently tried to submit a post to a Persian website, thinking they would find it interesting, and what does the head of the website tell me? That my dear old home country, or mother land, that has also ever been dear to my heart, has "filtered" my blog. Well, of course the people of Iran haven't, but the government has. For those of you that are not aware of  governments pulling this sort of crap, then I'll break it down for you. Iran and many other strict governments in the world, filter or stream out content through media (computer, television, books, newspapers and basically any thing else you can think of) to their liking. 
    Yes, that means that the people of Iran, don't have access to the things we have access to. There are thousands of shows and movies they can't watch, millions of websites they can't see, and billions of books they can't read. Either the people can get a hold of such things illegally or through the black market, or just don't get to see, hear or watch them. The government does this, so they say, so that their people aren't corrupted by Western influences. Or keep their people from seeing or hearing any opposition to their ways of government. In other words, anything that isn't for lack of a better term, "Islamic," doesn't make the cut, no pun intended. Trust me, this baffles me, just as much as it could ever baffle you. So, why did my wholesome blog get streamed from the country you ask? I wish I knew. I'm guessing it has something to do with my Women's Day (women's rights?) post or that the pictures of the women in that post, don't have a hejab on. But really? Seriously? REALLY? Because last time I checked, I had, up until this point of course, written nothing, and I mean absolutely nothing, that they should possibly find offensive. 
    So, since the damage is done, since I've already been streamed out, why not make things interesting, right? That's my motto in life. It's not like I can be filtered again. Precisely the reason why I wrote this post. Catching my drift y'all? The only thing that makes me remotely happy in this situation, is that my blog somehow got enough "exposure" to reach the Persian people, for the government to hear of it in the first place. REPRESENT. So, here's to you, the "wonderful" government of my beautiful home country, that's unfortunate enough to have you. IF YOU CAN DISH IT OUT, THEN YOU SURE AS HELL BETTER BE PREPARED TO TAKE IT ;) To all of you that were seldom aware of such injustices in the world, well, now you know. And I hope this enlightens you enough to make you realize just how good you have it here. Never take that for granted. Just something to think about. That's all the wisdom I have for you today, as far as wisdom goes. Please offer your thoughts.

P.S. My use of title has a double meaning. Ey Iran was the name of the original and beautiful national anthem (not the actual anthem, but the anthem in the hearts of the people), before the Islamic republic came in and changed it to a religious anthem. And eh, is one of my favorite Canadian phrases, that I often use as a 'really?' So, Really, Iran?
P.P.S. Notice the sugar-coated innuendo of my cheeky 'Free Iran' pic and la green text.
P.P.P.S. Iran, if you found me offensive before, then you're sure gonna love me now :)

-Savvy OUT.

Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Happy International Women's Day, my fellow women

     Today, is an incredibly special day. To realize rarely or never, the suffering of 75% of the world's women, is to do yourself a great injustice. To disregard or dismiss your rights and how they came to be, is truly unfortunate. Or what about how much women do and put up with, all over the world, everyday, and since the beginning of time? If the women who chose to risk their lives and reputations for something greater than themselves, never did, then what would we be and how would we live? We must honor them, and we must honor ourselves. We are powerful together. And the leaders, have paved the way for us to lead. Through all and any pitfalls and struggles, I have never for a second, wished that I wasn't born a women. But don't take it from me. Below, I composed a series of inspirational quotes from women and men. I hope you will take the time to read these enlightened statements.

- 'Women's characteristic life experience gives them the potential for two things: a very special kind of intelligence, social intelligence, and a very special kind of courage, social courage. The courage to cross the lines drawn between us, which are also the lines drawn inside our heads. And the intelligence to do it safely, without a gun, and to do it productively.'

- 'Allowing men who plan wars to plan peace is a bad habit. Common sense dictates that women should be central to peacemaking, but the people who typically negotiate peace settlements are overwhelmingly men.' 

- 'Male negotiators sometimes worry that having women participate in the discussion may change the tone of the meeting. They're right. During the Northern Ireland peace talks, the men would get bogged down by abstract issues and past offences. The women would come and talk about their loved ones, their bereavement, their children and their hopes for the future. These deeply personal comments helped keep the talks focused. The women's experiences reminded the men that it was people who really mattered.'

It's not what you do once in a while, it's what you do day in and day out that makes the difference.
-- Jenny Craig

The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths. These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity, and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness, and a deep loving concern. Beautiful people do not just happen.
-- Elisabeth Kübler-Ross

The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity. The fears are paper tigers. You can do anything you decide to do. You can act to change and control your life; and the procedure, the process is its own reward.
-- Amelia Earhart

Thoughts mixed with definiteness of purpose, persistence, and a burning desire are powerful things.
-- Napoleon Hill

To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children...to leave the world a better place...to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded.
-- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.
-- Mark Twain

Your time is limited, don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma, which is living the result of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of other’s opinion drown your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition, they somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.
-- Steve Jobs

I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; and because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do something that I can do.
-- Helen Keller

    As well as, if this topic is of particular interest to you, Simon Fraser University's Segal School of Business is hosting a conference on this most important day. It's on 500 Granville Street from 5:30-7:30pm. The event is titled Role of Feminism in Pro-Democracy Uprisings in Middle East. I'm going to be there. I hope some of you will come check it out.

These are things that men and women should think about everyday, not just one day a year. Feminism is not this crazy thing it's known to be around here. It's as simple as being aware of the problem and caring. On this day, you should ask your mother or grandmother how much things have changed and what they experienced throughout their lifetime. We still have a long ways to go. If ever you do not chose to lead, speak out or stand up, then never, ever forget where you came from and how that came to be.

Tuesday March 8th, 2011

Monday, 7 March 2011

Sorry Everyone.

Wrote another essay today. Just really tired. Will write two posts tomorrow.
Stay tuned.

Friday, 4 March 2011

2 Papers x 2 Days = 4 God's Sake..

    Upon finishing 2 papers in 2 days, I can't help but feel like a miracle worker. Too bad I have to spend all day today, doing my other one. TGIF does not apply here. And the worst part is that I have 3 more papers after that, and 1 midterm, all within the next 2 weeks. WHY I ASK YOU? WHY? I wish I knew. That aside, today's first official productive post (because of the topic) is about fighting. Hey, if I have to write the 3rd paper in 3 days, then we sure as hell aren't gonna talk about something cheery y'all. So, here's the scoop. One of my good friends and I weren't on speaking terms for a while. Incidentally, it turned out to be a very long time, especially in girl word, which is definitely not what we expected. And the reason it all came to be is not important. Here's what is: almost every time I'm on bad terms with a girlfriend, the reason always seems to be the same. MISCOMMUNICATION. Sounds innocent enough. But trust me, this pesky little word will catch you unexpectedly with its right hook. And I'm not even talking about this particular situation, I'm talking miscommunication's in general. They typically go as follows: that she thought I was mad at her and I thought she was mad at me, and everything goes nowhere, fast. Because everybody's confused. And nobody knows how, or is too proud to 'want to' make the first move. The whole thing is unproductive. Good thing that that's a word I am on good terms with. A wise person once told me, that all fights are 50/50. With that perspective in mind, things feel a little less dramatic and a little more reasonable.
    Anyhow, as easily and stupidly that fights start through miscommunication, they can just as quickly end with communication. Otherwise, you'll never get anywhere, your life will be harder and these altercations will and I mean will drag out unbearably long. It's all just a little trick life plays on you, that we all seem to fall for. Thankfully, this same friend, is really good for communicating when it comes to things like this. We were just both being stupid this time around. So, an hour after making up, we were laughing at whatever we do, and I thought to myself, this is why were friends, this right here. It's funny how every single relationship is different, and how everyone has a different place in your heart. To my dear friend, glad to have you back. Let's never fight again. Because I hate conflict. And I know you do too. To all of you, just don't fight kids. Let's not any of us fight. Let's hold hands and be happy, instead. In a land of sunshine and lollipops and rainbows everywhere. But if you do, if you absolutely have to, just remember what I said. If I've learned anything from all this, it's that life's too short to be spending it apart from (or not talking to) the ones' you love. I don't want to imagine such a life. That's all the wisdom I have for you today.

What do you guys think?

P.S. I've heard that a lot of you have had problems commenting, but I think it is fixed now. So please feel free to offer your thoughts. I'd love to hear them. Also, it would be great if you could follow my blog. There's a button right beside the blog. As well as, there is now an option, right under this post, that allows you to give your feedback through 3 buttons: funny, interesting, insightful. I'd appreciate it if you'd click on one. It's anonymous so I won't know who clicked on what. If that's what you're worried about.

-Seriously Savvy ;)

Goals are for Bores.

    I know. I know. Before I can write anything, I guess I should answer to the fact that I didn't post anything yesterday. Those of you that didn't figure that out, well I suppose I just gave it away. So what If I broke the post-a-day goal, on the second day. I did have an excuse! Here it is. I WAS EXHAUSTED FROM ALL THE PAPERS! And the thought of even sitting down to write some more, made me dizzy. Well, that's not true. But I did decide to sleep instead, and sleep is very important to me. Besides, it was already 12 when I went to bed, so I figured what's the point. It's already the next day. Might as well wait for morning. That's alright. I'm going to write 2 or 3 posts today, to make up for it. That's a good tactic for damage control. So, here we are. And that's all for now, because it has come to my attention that if the posts are broken up into smaller pieces, the task at hand won't seem so overwhelming for you guys. I'm so thoughtful. You are welcome :) 

Wednesday, 2 March 2011

Welcome to the Wonderful World of Blogging

    It has come to my attention, that one cannot truly call oneself a 'writer' if one never really writes on ones spare time. I'm the worst for this. Yes, if you had any doubts about who this person in question I was referring to was, well it's me alright. So with one essay down today, and two to go, I've decided to give my mind a break from writing, with wait for it..more writing. Oh the joys of being a college student! So, in between the second and third paper, I thought I could grant myself one itsy bitsy little break, to start the blog that I've been talking about, and thinking about for over 6 months. I can still procastinate but I'll procrastinate productively.
    Maybe it'll be a lot to take on. But more than likely, I can squeeze it in to the many wonderous hours that mysteriously seem to escape me during the day. It's all just a little bit suspicious where those hours go. I have no clue, please contact me if you do. However, I have a sneeking suspicion that it may possibly start with the letter F and rhyme with Lamebook. Or maybe the CW should hire me to work for them, since I basically give them my part time hours anyway.
    Back to my point. I'm the worst for that. What you ask? Well, I'm the worst aspiring writer. Currently, I am not taking any creative writing at school, due to being too lazy to commute to the farther campus. On top of that ridiculous excuse, I haven't written something grand, and I mean grand, since I was fourteen. And as if it couldn't get any worse, it has further come to my attention that writers, and aspiring writers, write. I know this, because I still talk to my creative writing classmates, and they have always, and will always just be writing. I know what you're thinking. You're classmates are freaks, who actively practices their craft on the regular? I know! It's crazy. But I know that even if they were the most committed people in the entire world, and no other people were like them, that there would still be other proof. Like, I read a lot of books right. Well, I do. It's a statement not a question or sarcasm. So, in these books, one of my personal theories is that the author always and I mean always models a character after themselves. How do I know this? Because there is almost always an aspiring writer. Trust me. There is a pattern here. Watch out for it. So, with these writers is an unavoidable pen and paper. In their pockets. In their hands. On their nightstand. I know. It's more than a little, for lack of a better term, rhymes with hey and starts with a capital G. But I suppose there must be people out there like this. There must be. There just has to be, writers who constantly carry a notebook. But then again, I always thought there was other's like me out there. A band of brothers, just waiting to band. Who only write when in writing courses or only when truly (and forcibly) setting out to do so. Hollar if you're with me! Yeah! United we stand, divided we fall. If I was going to deny the existence of such people (no offence to my fellow writer's) then a screw would be lose on this last fact.
    "Savis, did you write any new stories?" "Savis, why don't you write more?" "Savis, I really think you should keep a pen and notebook next to your nightstand." "Savis, why don't you start a blog?" And that, my friends, is what I call my family. So, as you see, I had no choice, through sheer peer pressure then to start this blog. Which brings us to the reasons why. Well, it's good for expression, and I suppose all the "extra" emotion we women carry around, making it good therapy, as well as keeping me in contact to my loved ones and all at once improving my writing skills! But I guess the biggest problem here is, what the hell does anybody blog about? The whole thing seems really odd. I'm no Julie Powell. And I guess now haters of her everywhere will hate me for drawing her in a positive light. And trust me, this women has a LOT of haters.. If you don't know who Julie Powell is, then you should watch one of my all time favorite movies Julie & Julia (my feel good movie) and if you're not into that sort of thing, well then read Julie Powell's book Julie & Julia. Not into that, than I don't know what to tell you. Precisely why I mentioned the movie first. Nobody would think to read a book when there's a movie version out. No Duh! Anyhoo, Julie Powell's story is the true story about her life, as an aspiring writer. She was a good cook, her husband enjoyed her cooking. So she decided to cook her way through Julia Child's Master the Art of French Cooking. 524 recipes and 365 days. Now that's a story. That's what she wrote about. Of course she glamorized blogs, as she did get discovered through hers. I'd imagine many people started blogging after she gained her success.
    But I'm not doing that. I don't have an objective or a task. And I can't write short stories either, well I can, but I guarantee that even my friends and family will not sit through reading each story everytime. Yes, if I email the story to them individually, of course they would, and always have, but come on, even I know that nobobdy wants to sit through a long, drone out story, when hoping to just read a blog. So, to the question of what I'm going to write, I'm not quite sure yet. But I am sure that I have an opinion about a whole slue of things, like a lot. And I am a person, a person that having the writer gene, hears and sees the most mundane of things, but looks at them differently. I have my thoughts. And they, as well as I like to believe, I myself, can be interesting.
    But then again there's the third problem of who will read it? I suppose my friends (the good ones) will and my family I'm sure, but is that all I want? I guess in this situation you gotta hope for the best, and roll with the punches, as they say. So, if you're putting the time into reading this thing, please comment. I will try ever so graciously, to write a post a day. That's my task. That's my goal. That's my cross to bear. So, to my dear friends and family and strangers alike, please take the time to enjoy all that I come up with. I promise it won't be as boring as this post, because there will no longer be any back story. If you do that for me, and if you like what you see and tell everyone you know, then I promise to be my most entertaining self. You have my word.

Go big or go home, go Pink or go home.
Savvy Out :)