Here's the thing. I have considered making movie trailers as a full time career on many occasions. But it all basically started when I watched The Holiday and I realized, to quote Cameron Diaz, that they "get paid the big bucks." And she was not kidding. These people are rolling in the dough. But what she also insinuated, is that people who do her job, deserve to get paid that much. And she was right. Because the thing is, they make a movie look 100% better than it is, 98% of the time. Now that, is what I call art my friends. There are only two, and I'm going to post them, that I've ever watched, that I can sincerely say, the movie was better. When it is almost always, the trailer is always equal to or greater than the movie, not less than.
So why, other than the money, would I want to do a job like this? Because it is simply amazing. I mean think about it. Trailers are the first thing you really see for a movie (other than the movie pictures). It is the first thing that captures your attention and makes you say, "Ooo I wanna see that!" And be honest, you know that the movie previews is the best part of the movie. It's the only thing that could make me go early. We all look forward to seeing the clips of the movies we have yet to hear of, just so we can go home and creep them on youtube or further anticipate them.
Of course that's not to say that there are not trailers to books we've read, sequels or just actors we're obsessed with, that we get our hands on online, before the cinema trailers. I guess what I'm trying to say here, is that trailers greatly impact us. It is the very thing that get's us to go in the first place, other than our nagging friends and family. And it's the thing you'll remember even long after the movie, and times to come. At least for me anyway. And in general, I guess the number one reason I would ever do this as a job, is that I think I see the world as a giant trailer montage with music anyways.
Now, I have seen a lot and by that I mean, a lot, of trailers in my day. I like to call myself a trailer junkie. So the fact that I can narrow it down to just six impeccable previews shows you just how amazing they must be. Without further adieu, my six all time favorite movie trailers, in no particular order, and the two trailers where the movie is better. It should be noted that however amazing the trailers were, I didn't watch all of these movies right away. I tried to, but some of them were hard to get a hold of. And one of them hasn't come out yet. I did however, watch the trailers repeatedly. I hope this inspires you to watch some of these movies. Let me know what you think.
Love Me If You Dare is actually slightly a let down. It is not a bad movie but it is definitely not as good as the trailer and what I got my hopes up for. But I'm still glad I saw it. I think it's better the second time around and when you're old enough to not be scarred by inappropriate and mis-rated French movies. Amazing amazing trailer though, and story line.
Love Me If You Dare is actually slightly a let down. It is not a bad movie but it is definitely not as good as the trailer and what I got my hopes up for. But I'm still glad I saw it. I think it's better the second time around and when you're old enough to not be scarred by inappropriate and mis-rated French movies. Amazing amazing trailer though, and story line.
The Chumscubber was a total let down, from what I remember. But maybe it was one of those first time movie things, where I should probably watch it again. But it was a double let down because I think this is my all time favorite movie trailers, due to how it captures the woes of life and the insanity that is suburbia.
I tear up everytime I see this trailer. It's so freaking adorable and it reminds me of childhood. Can't wait for this to come out! Winnie's never failed me before.
Peter Pan is one of my favorite movies. No where near a let down. I think this slipped under the radar a bit, for such an amazing movie. Plus, of all the Peter Pan movies, this one takes the cake because it goes about a different angle and depth. This movie is the first time you see Peter Pan's grown up emotions and the dynamic feelings of Wendy. Also, it showcases Peter and Wendy's sexual tension, which has never been done before. I would definitely recommend it and I would even go as far as to say the trailer is almost worse than the movie.
In all honesty, Slumdog let me down. I think it's because I was one of the first people I knew to hear about it, and I watched the trailer so many countless times I clung on to it, but I kept putting off watching the actual movie because I wanted to savor it later. And by that time, everyone I knew had watched it and praised it and the world had built it up to be this colossal thing that by the time I watched it, it just didn't reach my expectations. One of the most original concepts and brilliant story lines of all time though.
I would definitely recommend this movie. It didn't blow me away, but I think everyone needs to watch it. The trailer is surely better and basically sums up the movie though. It's an emotional roller coaster. And for those of you that think "Won't this movie be boring, if it's 2 hours of James Franco talking to himself?" And the answser is no. There's so many layers and there is so much going on that you don't even think about being bored. You are totally engrossed in the movie.
Don't get me wrong, this trailer is pretty good. However, this being one of my all time favorite movies, I can tell you it still doesn't measure up. I know this for a fact because after the first time I watched this movie, I went and watched the trailer again, and was surprised to see it somehow didn't convey the magic like I thought it would.
Here's the thing about this one. This trailer is utter crap. And I mean shit. What is this? Half the trailer is a huge deleted scene that is not even in the movie. And that always rubs me the wrong way. Anyway, the main problem is it doesn't capture the essence of this movie at all. The other problem is it makes it look creepily scary, and it's not. I've never seen the trailer makers try to overtly change the genre of a movie like this. In conclusion, please go see this movie. Don't let this trailer turn you off of it. This movie is seriously underrated and that really upsets me. Because it definitely makes my top 3.
To be fair, Slumdog and 127 Hours I remembered while writing this, so they weren't really the first four to jump to my head. But to be fair again, there's probably hundreds I've liked but can't really remember, so they should make the cut.